Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Elementary School Fundraising - How To Guide


Elementary School Fundraising Benefits And Its Importance

          Always remember that every time you organize an elementary school fundraising event for your non-profit organization, you’ll be working with different people. It’s normal that you ask assistance of your supporters, customers and sponsors so you can achieve your planned goals and objectives. Involving different people in your events is how fundraising events and activities should work so improve the relationship between you and your supporters. Having a good relationship within your supporters is a good sign for your fundraiser since more and more supporters will come and participate in your events.

            When starting your elementary school fundraising campaign, the first thing you should understand is that most of the people that you’ll be needing assistance always ask for something in return. Since there’s no such this as free labor; always make sure that everything you’ll be giving will go to a good cause. And since it’s fundraising, it’s important that you show to your customers that everything that you’ll be offering to them will be for a good cause. This is very important in every fundraiser since you can’t encourage people to support your fundraiser if only you can benefit from it. Creating a value statement is one way of showing to your customers that their support to your fundraiser and its events is worth their time and effort. You don’t want to waste their time and effort on useless things. Do not emphasize the exact amount of money you need from them instead mention the end results of your fundraising efforts. Most people are willing to help and support your fundraiser if this is will help increase the performance of the students and teachers in your school. It doesn’t matter how big or small the contributions of your customers are willing to give, what matters is that their contribution is very much appreciated. When it comes to the benefits for your beneficiaries, you must be specific to avoid any misunderstandings. Unless you change your mind often, being specific is one way of showing to your supporters and customers that you are true and straightforward in any way.

            Next in creating your value statement is to show it to your volunteer team so they will know your motives in your fundraiser and usually back you up. This will let people fully understand your goals and objectives since you have your team to help you explain it. You may use this especially in one of your sales pitch if you are doing a sales fundraiser which usually involves talking to people. This will increase the effectiveness of your sales pitch. “What’s in it for me”, this question is usually heard by your volunteers every time they sell something to their customers. You need to prepare an answer to this question since their decision in supporting your fundraiser will depend on how compelling your answer is. Ensure that your answer is encouraging enough to your customers so they can participate in your events without any doubts.  


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