Friday, April 15, 2011

Fresh Cookie Dough Fundraising


Cookie Dough Fundraising: Be Up-To-Date With Your Own Personal Fundraiser

                  Holding a written documentation of all of the specifics regarding your fundraising event is an essential part not just in cookie dough fundraising but other similar activities as well. You can find it valuable in creating a better strategy and also at the same time, you can preserve track of the significant details of your fundraising event. 

                  You must write down in your records the exact duration of your cookie dough fundraising event, a detailed discussion of your tactics, a little checklist of the things you'll be needing and selling, the number of volunteers you have, and also the what number of your products are still available for your disposal. It’s just like you are writing your own journal. Next up, present to your team the duties that they will be doing throughout the campaign through flow charts. A simple organizational chart will work so long as it's clear and easy to understand. It might be also better for your part to group them and assign a leader, since this way it will be easier to control the undertakings of the team. Although a situation where in your team fights over who's dominant above the others must strictly be avoided; always conserve a good environment conducive for working. Before sending them out of the field to carry out their tasks, you have to collect any way of communication you will get with your team, such as their mobile phone numbers, to enable you to broadcast further announcements or your volunteers to contact you about important matters as regards to your fundraising event. Make it a regular habit to make contact with them and inquire any type of development happening. It may well also be a tremendous help to get your personal site to directly post vital information, schedules, along with other important details. It will usually easily accessible for your team and never hard so they can navigate through your website. Provide each one of your team members with the overview of whatever they should be doing. At least, they know what tasks are needed to be done.

                  Beforehand, create a schedule with their task just for them to inform you before the fundraising event whether they can do the job or not. There are cases of clashing schedules between your prior timetable and their very own daily tasks. In this situation, you will need to be the one to adjust the schedule and not your volunteers since they are just assisting you out without any compensation or payment. Never forget to value your team, the team which will support you with the entire fundraising event. Also set aside some time to do a little seminar about the proper ways of doing their tasks. Do make sure to train properly the ones who will sell to the customers because the results of their work will greatly affect your profit. They must be aware of basics, share to them about some useful techniques and cause them to become exert all of the effort they can. 



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