Thursday, April 14, 2011

Fresh and Unique Fundraising Ideas


Middle School Fundraising: Selling Fruits


       Selling fresh fruits is a good way to fund your middle school fundraising campaign. These types of products are very saleable since everybody loves fruits. Moms love fruits because this gives them a chance to prepare a healthy treat for their family. It is a consumable type of product which means that you need to buy again after you had it consumed. You could make your fundraiser campaign run for the whole year since fruits are very profitable.

        But how to do you start middle school fundraising campaign? Since you will be selling fruits, you should first decide what kinds of fruits you are going to sell to customers. You should also take into consideration the availability of the fruits since most of them are seasonal. You can sell citrus fruits since these are very popular. Some of their varieties include sweet oranges, tangerines, grapefruits and lemons. You can also include apples in your sales campaign since it is also a crowd favorite. After you are done choosing the fruits you want to sell to customers, you should decide on how you are going to price them. Make sure that your prices are reasonable so that your customers can afford them. Your sales team should also be equipped with very good and understandable sales brochures that they will use in their sales campaign. Since your team will go on door-to-door basis, sales brochures should show the prices and images of your products clearly so that they can be encouraged to buy. It would be a huge hassle on the part of your team to bring lots of fruits on their sales campaign. Instead, organize your sales team to do an order take type of sales campaign in which they will take the orders of your customers first before they will deliver the products to them. This will save time and effort since you can control how much product you are going to sell.  As I mentioned earlier, your prices should be affordable enough for your customers. You have to look for a very good supplier for your fundraising project that not only offers affordable prices but can also assists you in your campaign. In this way, you can maximize your financial income and in turn make your fundraising project a success.

        The next essential thing that you need to prepare is your sales pitch. When preparing a sales pitch, you should put importance on the name of your school and fundraising project; your goals and objectives; and how can your customers help out. Sales pitch is very important since this will encourage and convince customers to participate in your fundraising campaign through purchasing your product. Nobody is going to buy from you if you can’t convince them to. You should give people a good reason why they have to buy from you. Make sure that your sales team should remain eye contact when delivering their lines. This would make customers think that they are sincere in your fundraising endeavor. And always start and end each transaction with a greeting and a smile.





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