School Fundraiser Ideas That Are Friendly To The Environment
Did you know that you can raise funds while helping our dear mother earth at the same time? Yes, you really can by using environmentally friendly school fundraiser ideas. When you do fundraising campaigns, you’re sending out messages both to your supporters and volunteers. The message that you give out basically contains a valuable statement, which can be used to describe your school.
By choosing the right school fundraiser ideas, not only will you be able to generate good amounts of funds but you will also be able to place your school behind a much larger need than just the cause that you’re working hard on. Now, when you’re doing this, you don’t necessarily need to give up a certain percentage of your fundraising efforts. Think for yourself. What kind of message will you be portraying to the people in your community if all you attend to are your own needs? You should, from time to time, work on fundraising programs that will allow you to give something back to the community. Perfect examples of earth friendly fundraising programs include candy fundraisers, recycling fundraisers, and cleanup effort fundraisers. Candy fundraisers can be used to help out the community by giving a portion of the funds that they produce to support a worthy environmental goal. Recycling fundraisers are obviously a huge help because they allow you to generate good money while offering you the opportunity to reduce landfill wastes at the same time. Lastly, cleanup efforts allow you to turn your community into a better place to live in.
If you want to go with a candy fundraiser, you can sell out organic chocolate bars. These types of chocolate bars often come in different tasty flavors. Each of these fundraising products cost a dollar each. From each sale produced, your group can gain a minimum of 55 percent profit margin, which is really way better than the typical 45 to 50 percent that’s offered elsewhere. By selling these fundraising products you can generate the funds that you need in no time while doing the right thing to help out the environment at the same time.
For a recycling fundraising program, you can do a toner cartridge recycling fundraising campaign. In here, you’ll be recycling printer cartridges as well as old cellular phones. This type of fundraising campaign also brings in good amounts of profits. The good thing about this fundraising idea is that you can choose to do this all throughout the year so that you can have a steady stream of income from which you can get the funds that you need for different projects and to cover various expenses.
As for a cleanup fundraising campaign, you’ll be exerting efforts to raise funds by making your community a lot better. This is a fundraising event that is usually carried out for one day during the weekend. This works similarly to a Fun-A-Thon fundraiser because it requires your participants to solicit pledges from people including family, friends, relatives, and neighbors.
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