Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fundraiser Idea: Ferret Racing Is Cool

Fundraiser Idea: Ferret Racing Is Cool

            Are you slowly getting crazy at the difficulty of coming up with a good fundraiser idea that will help you earn big? Then, don’t bump your head against the wall just yet because I’m here to save the day with a good thing that you can try out to raise good money.

            The fundraiser idea that I’m going to share to you in this article is about ferret racing Ferrets are really friendly pets to have. However, that’s not the only thing that they’re good at. You can actually make use of these cute animals for raising money. Ferret racing is a really unique fundraising idea that will help you distinguish yourself from other schools and groups who are also doing fundraisers. Now, this may not be that lucrative but this will bring out a lot of fun. In addition, you can use this as a starter for an event that you’re planning to have. This can serve as your hook so that you can attract a lot of people to come and join your event. Now, I know that the first question that you have in your head right now is “where am I going to get racing ferrets?” You can get these guys from welfare groups and some individual pet owners who have clubs that train these animals. Aside from getting animals from these people, you can also ask them to help you organize your race. You can look for welfare groups and pet owners through the internet.

            Let’s proceed to the mechanics of the race. This basically works by having the animals race through special drainpipes. These are often made with different bends, obstacles, and kinks. In addition, some are set up with clear plastic as well as some see through cage sections in order to allow the crazy crowd to check the standings or positions of their favorites. At the beginning of the competition, the racers are popped inside the pipes and the end is blocked up. The owners of the racers along with their helpers will then wait at the other side of the track. They are allowed to use some friendly inducements so that they can encourage their pets to run faster along the track.

            Ferrets are known for their unique personalities and curiosity. Because of these, you will definitely witness a lot of funny incidents and bloopers. Now, let’s proceed to the financial aspect of this fundraising idea, which is the manner in which you’ll be able to raise money. One way for you to raise good money from this would be through allowing spectators gathered around the track to place bets on the contestants that they think will win. Aside from this, you can also raise money by setting up a photo booth where kids and their parents can have their pictures taken with the animals.

            Aside from setting your focus on how you can make good money from this fun event, pour out some good efforts on advertisements too so that you can build up interest in your community. Spread the word out so that you can gather lots of participants.

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