Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dance Fundraiser Ideas That You Should Try

Dance Fundraiser Ideas That You Should Try

            A dance fundraiser is the perfect solution when your finances become an issue. If you want your dance or ball to be really the bomb, then you need to exert some good efforts so that you can get the necessary funds to make it really good. Getting funds from a variety of sources can be quite difficult at times.

            If you want your dance fundraiser to really work out well, you need to make use of clever fundraising tips alongside unique and fresh ideas that will allow you to effectively catch the attention of people in your community. Let’s have a look at some of the best options that you can try out in your campaign. If you want to have value for money while you’re raising funds, discount cards are the perfect the way to go. This is perfect example of a fundraiser idea that benefits all. In order for you to create a good discount card, you need to search for at least 10 to 12 merchants in your community who will be willing enough to offer some good discounts in exchange for good advertising, which they will be getting through your discount cards. Once you get your discount cards, you can then sell these to different people at minimal prices. Discount cards are really popular because they all people to get awesome discounts from merchants. As an end result, you get to produce large traffic to the merchants whom you have teamed up with. Discount cards are really easy to sell out especially if you flaunt the types of discounts that people will get if they decide to buy these cards from you.

            Another great idea to try out would be cookie dough fundraising. There is no way around the fact that people really love freshly baked cookies even if eating these treats can lead to some weight gain. A cookie dough fundraising campaign is an order taker type of campaign. In here, you need to have a good set of sales volunteers who you will be equipping with sales brochures, order forms, and an effective sales script. Make sure that your sales script is compelling enough so that you can make your sales volunteers effective at generating sales during your campaign. The most important thing to consider when you’re doing a cookie dough fundraising campaign is your fundraising company or supplier. You need to make sure that the company where you’ll be getting your supplies from offers a wide variety of cookie dough flavors so that you can offer a lot of great options to your customers. In this way, you can encourage them to buy more than one cookie dough tub from you.

            Last in line is a car wash fundraising program. This is a good way to go if you are in need of some quick cash because you can generate good amounts of funds from this idea within one day or two days. Put out banners and posters so that you can properly inform people of your car wash services.

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