Thursday, February 24, 2011

Scented Pencils: Tips That You Need To Apply On Your Fundraiser

Scented Pencils: That You Need To Apply On Your Fundraiser

            Scented pencils are a perfect choice when it comes to elementary school fundraiser campaigns because they sell out as fast as the wind blows by. Little kids really adore these unique, colorful, and fragrant smelling pencils because they make writing a lot more fun. In fact one of the most famous varieties of these fundraising products are made with a scent that’s intellectually stimulating and has been proven to help improve the performance of students in school.

            Even though scented pencils are considered as best sellers, you still have to remember that the fundraiser campaign where you’ll be using these fundraising products needs to be properly organized. I’m going to throw a few fundraising tips to you in this article, which you can use during your product sales fundraiser. First off, you need to identify the needs of your school by setting your financial goals.  Make sure that every single member of your fundraising group are well aware of your financial goals so that they will be strongly motivated to work really hard towards the success of your campaign.

            Next, you need to choose a good leader or chairperson for your fundraising campaign. Your leader should be one that has lots of time, energy, and tons of drive to make your fundraiser a really successful one. Having this kind of person on board will help you reach great heights. After you choose the captain of your fundraising ship, the next thing you must do is to organize your workload. Lack of organization will surely cost you a lot of money because of extra costs. You have to avoid lapses, mistakes, misunderstandings, and oversights especially when you’re handling transactions with your fundraising company so that you can prevent confusions with orders and duplication of orders because these types of errors will eat up your profits. Organization is one of the key ingredients of a successful fundraising campaign. Part of proper organization is having enough volunteers working on different tasks. If you plan on doing a large scale product sales campaign, then you need to gather or recruit a lot of volunteers who will be eager enough to help you out.

            Next, spend some time on role playing. This basically involves showing your sales volunteers a proper demonstration of how selling should be done. By letting your sales volunteers have a look at how things should be done, they will no longer have to waste time wondering if the way they approach their customers is proper or not. In addition, teaching them the right way of selling products will help them in being really effective and compelling so that they can generate lots of sales without too much difficulty.

            Lastly, work on a catchy and effective sales script. This basically refers to the lines that your sales volunteers will be saying in front of their customers when they offer your products. Your sales script should the most important details of your fundraiser such as the cause you’re working on why you have to raise money.

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