Friday, May 20, 2011

School Fundraiser Ideas

School Fundraiser Ideas: Basic Fundraising Strategies

            Organizing and managing a fundraising campaign is hard work for most of us unless you are prepared and eager to do so. Preparation is just part of organizing a fundraising campaign for your school fundraiser ideas. Here in this article, I will show you the ways in coordinating a successful fundraiser without much effort or delays.

            The first one on the list is planning your fundraiser. Every campaign always starts with planning a fundraiser while choosing great school fundraiser ideas. This is very important and must be done first since you will base your next move from what you have planned beforehand. It also serves as your guide through-out the campaign. You can do this by having a set of goals and objectives that must be done in your campaign. You must also put a timeline in your goals in which you must achieve them within the time limit. But make sure you’ll complete them within the given time, otherwise you’ll fail.

            Next is the preparation for your fundraiser, start your preparations immediately after planning in order to start your fundraiser on time. Recruit your first team of volunteers. They will help you in advertising and sales which will save you time and effort if you’ll do it alone. Next is to advertise your fundraiser. This must be done in order to get the customers you want for your campaign. The use of marketing materials attracts more customers and other people in your community when advertising. Make use of your volunteers to help you in advertising your fundraiser. Contact your merchants whom you can trust in advertising your campaign, free of charge. If you don’t have one, look for one. Do this by making a deal with your chosen merchants to advertise your program in exchange for financial support. The more the merchants you can close the deal with, the better. Lastly, finalize any documents necessary for running your fundraiser campaign. This makes sure that your fundraiser is legitimate in terms of laws.

            After the preparation, you can proceed to execution of your fundraiser. Prepare a team of volunteers and assign them to do sales. You will hand out some marketing materials such as brochures, catalogs, order forms and sample product if necessary to your sales team. They will travel in a specific route or neighborhood not only to sell your products but also advertise your fundraiser. You’ll also give them a good sales script since it helps them persuade and attract their customers.           

Next will be the delivery of sales. After your volunteer team has collected enough order forms for the day, purchase the right away so that your customers can get them as soon as possible. You can buy the supplies from a fundraising company. The company must have high-quality goods in order to guarantee the satisfaction of your customers by the time they receive their orders. Make sure you order them in bulk to get discounted prices. Make sure to deliver the pre-ordered products to your customers on time.

Following these steps usually takes about five to six weeks all in all depending on what you have planned. But this will ensure the success of your fundraiser. And never forget to thank your supporters for their hard work after the successful campaign.

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