Friday, May 27, 2011

New Fundraising|Unique Fundraising

Unique Fundraiser: Learning How to Ask Properly

            When managing a unique fundraiser, the least stressful part of it is to ask any person you meet to join a specific event, give donation for a cause or support your church, school or any non-profit organization. It can also be an entertaining experience since you’ll meet other people whom you don’t know. But before asking them for a donation, you have to consider some important notes in requesting something.

            A good relationship between your supporters is a must in every unique fundraiser you organize. This increases the amount of donations you receive, supporters and volunteers you’ll need and more time for your team to help you. But before you get these benefits, you have to work for it. Never rush your request about your fundraiser to your supporters. Just like what I said before, you’ll have to work for it; hard work always pays out. The best strategy that you can use to invite them to your event is asking them to volunteer for your fundraiser or convince them to sign up for your newsletter. When for the funds you need or volunteerism or any other aspects you need for your fundraiser, you have to be ready. You must choose who you’ll be asking or what company or organization will you be asking for help. If it’s a company, the best person to ask would be the president of such organization. You can also ask your friends, acquaintances and relatives, your choice. Then decide on what you’ll be asking to them. You may ask for extra money or donations but don’t forget the specific amount. You can also ask them to volunteer to your event or just invite them to your event. Never forget the time and venue of your fundraising event. Expect the unexpected, so you have to expect “no” for an answer. It’s already acceptable to receive this answer, even to the most experienced fundraiser organizers. But it doesn’t mean you have to give up already. You must have a positive approach when asking requests to your supporters. Never forget your fundraising goals and objectives. Always expect a “yes” but be ready to accept “no” and go on. Lastly, show your supporters how they can make a difference in your fundraiser to achieve its goals for a good cause. Knowing that their contribution to your fundraiser is for a good cause, people will most likely to give support to your cause through good donations. But you have to consider the minimum amount they’ll give to you.

            Process is the next aspect to consider. Make sure you go direct to the transition if possible to gain connection to your supporters. Touch their hearts by explaining why you’re doing this fundraiser and why you need to gain this specific amount of funds for your fundraiser. After that, this is the time you’ll ask the request. Make sure you do it successfully. This may take some time to master but with enough practice and experience, you can use these strategies to make every fundraiser you organize a success. 

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