Saturday, January 15, 2011

Learn How To Make Your Own Smens

Learn How To Make Your Own Smens

            Pencils have been around for decades. In fact, they came way ahead of pens. Nowadays, these types of writing materials are still used in millions of schools worldwide especially in elementary schools. There’s a new twist to pencils and they’re called smens or smencils.

            If your elementary school has the need to raise money because of large expenses, you can make use of smens as your products. These work really great at generating income because they not only look very interesting but they small absolutely adorable as well. If you have been thinking of what type of product you’re going to task your sales volunteers to sell during the duration of your fundraiser smens would be one of your best shots at earning large profits.

            If you don’t have enough money to get supplies from a fundraising company or supplier, you can always choose to make your own set of smencils. Scented pencils are very easy to craft anyway. In addition, you won’t need expensive materials to produce these things. Let’s have a look at the materials you’re going to need: pencils; recycled sheets of newspapers; grape, lemon, cinnamon, root beer, orange, and coconut juice or soda; cups; plastic plates; pencil tubes with caps or tubes with caps; and scissors. Before you start making smencils, be sure that you have all of these materials gathered in your working area so that you won’t end up having troubles or wasting time later on.

            The first step of the production process is to cut newspapers into medium sizes pieces. The sheets of newspaper are the most important materials you’re going to need. Always use newspapers instead of regular sheets of paper. After you produce the medium sized pieces of newspaper, you then need to wrap these around the pencils that you have prepared. Use tape to secure the sheets of newspaper on the pencils. Next, get your sodas or juices and mix them with small amounts of water. Place them in cups afterwards and make sure that they give out strong scents. After the smelling step, you can then get your wrapped pencils and place them inside the cups with juices or sodas in them. This step is what’s going to give your products the scents they need to catch the noses of your customers.

            After you soak the wrapped pencils, you then need to let them hang for at least 2 to 3 hours so that they can dry and harden up pretty well. Next, place your wrapped pencils on top of plastic plates and leave these outside to be exposed to the sun. let them sit there for at least 1 to 3 hours for further drying and hardening. Once your smencils dry up fully, you can take off the sheets of newspapers that you have wrapped around them. This will leave them smelling lovely.

            Place your scented pencils in tubes with caps so that you can preserve the scents on them.

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