Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Guide To Elementary School Fundraising Ideas


Elementary School Fundraiser Ideas: What Kind Of Advertising Strategy To Use

            No matter what type of elementary school fundraiser ideas you are going to utilize for your events, the importance of having a good advertising strategy is important. Your team alone will not singlehandedly determine your fundraising success. You also need to have a good publicity strategy that will make your events stand out more in the public. Without a good advertising tactic, your fundraiser

            A good advertising plan will be very important in any elementary school fundraiser ideas that you decide to employ since this will increase the awareness of your customers about your upcoming project. This will also make sure that people such as your donors and supporters that your project is worth their every time and effort. Just imagine if you will be organizing a fundraiser without a decent publicity tactic, your events will be invisible to the community thereby reducing your chance of achieving fundraising success. A good example of this when you will be deciding to do a sales fundraiser in which you are going sell fundraising products for your customers. Your volunteers can easily do their own advertising to your customers while at the same time selling your products but wouldn’t it be better if your customers already know that you are organizing a fundraiser and just purchase the product right there and then? Your volunteers can cover a lot of customers if people are already well aware of your fundraising efforts since they won’t need to explain the fundraising event in detail and just go on and sell your products. Never underestimate the ability of advertising to draw people to your events since this will make or break your fundraiser in the long run. 

                 Now that you have fully understood the importance of publicity in every fundraising event, how will you be able to effectively advertise your project to the community? There are two types of advertising strategies that organizers use in order to increase the public awareness of their projects.  The first type is the passive advertising which uses techniques such as giving out flyers, making signboards and posting announcements in community centers to promote your fundraising event. This is very easy to do and less hassle on the part of your volunteers since anyone can do these. But you have to understand that it is not very effective in attracting people since you are not actively promoting your fundraiser. You have to extensively use this technique for a long period of time and invest a lot of money in setting up larger signage in order for people to notice your event and it is not recommended for short-term fundraising events. The second type is called active advertising which is I highly suggest for fundraisers since they are highly effective and efficient in attracting more people. This involves getting media coverage for your fundraiser and relying on the word of mouth from the people who are high satisfied with your products, events and services. You need to create compelling true stories for your fundraiser in order to get the media attention and build from there. always remember that in order to easily get the people to support you, you need to actively promote your fundraisers in any way possible. 



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