- Aim Fundraising has a long record of helping schools and groups double or more their previous sales the first time they work with Aim! It's not that our product lines are "way" superior to our competition... we all use the same suppliers! It's just that we coach our groups to run their fundraiser in a way the generates more profit... period!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Choosing An Easy Elementary School Fundraising Campaign
Choosing An Easy Elementary School Fundraising Campaign
An elementary school fundraising campaign doesn’t need to be hard in order for it to be profitable. There are literally tons of easy fundraisers out there that you can grab and use for yourself. When you look for an easy fundraiser idea that will help you generate huge amounts of profits in the end, you need to consider three important things. These factors include: the efforts that you need to exert to get the fundraiser campaign up and running; the resources that you’re going to need to make things work well; and the amount of time that the fundraising campaign needs to be run in order for it to generate the amount of money that you need to earn.
When you choose an easy elementary school fundraising campaign, you need to consider the amount of effort that it’s going to require from you and your volunteers. An easy fundraiser idea should never require a huge amount of effort. But, you need to face facts when you’re considering the amount of energy that you need to spend on a fundraising campaign. A fundraiser will always require some effort. That’s a fact that you can never eliminate. If you’re really serious about helping out your elementary school, you will surely be willing to sacrifice some of your time and effort for the success of your fundraiser. The level or amount of effort that needs to be spent on a specific fundraiser basically depends on the size of a group’s monetary goal. If you are looking at raising $10, 000, then you should brace yourself for quite a tough challenge up ahead. It is said the monetary goal of a group will be directly proportional to the amount of effort that they need to exert so that they can get the amount of money that they need. However, this is not true all of the time as to the reason that certain products and services can be really lucrative especially if they are offered to people at the right time. For example, if you offer gift wrapping services in a mall a few weeks before Christmas, you will most certainly make a huge amount of money as to the reason that a lot of people will be buying gifts during such time and most of them will be on a rush to get their presents wrapped. Some products also work really well anytime of the year. These include cookie dough. Everybody loves cookies and people will always have a strong craving for these sweet treats regardless of the time or season.
Next, you need to consider the resources that you’re going to need to make an easy fundraiser idea to work. Resources will always be a need for any type of campaign. Resources don’t only include the capital needed but as well as the volunteers necessary to turn an idea into the real thing. Lastly, duration is an important factor to consider because, as humans, your volunteers will build up fatigue as your campaign progresses. You wouldn’t want to burn them out so you need to choose an idea that can be done in a short period of time.
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